Jul 22, 2009 by admin
I have tested out so many free tools for creating button styles ever since I realized it cut development time down as opposed to using just Photoshop. It’s better if you need to cut development time to create a style using one of the many tools available for sure. Many CMS systems provide CSS button styles that you can just select. That said, I will kill two birds with one stone – so to speak – by showing you how easily you can create a flashy button in Photoshop and then outlining some tools.
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Popularity: 1% [?]
Jul 16, 2009 by admin
Chances are, you put much of your advertising revenue toward the big boys: Google, Yahoo, AOL, Microsoft, etc. Big boys are great, but some companies are rethinking their advertising investment. With a recession comes the opportunity to scale back, ramp up, or both—all in different ways. Advertising must be done strategically, and that doesn’t mean just utilizing major search engines.
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Popularity: 2% [?]
Jul 15, 2009 by admin
Easy Fix Available. Upgrade on the Way.
Firefox users, beware. The newest version, released early in July, has a boo-boo. Secunia, the Danish security hawk, pegged Firefox with a “highly critical” error, describing “remotely exploitable vulnerabilities that can lead to system compromise. Successful exploitation does not normally require any interaction but
there are no known exploits available at the time of disclosure.” In commonspeak, that means that unkind people can break your browser because of a JavaScript processing error. Sample exploit codes are already floating around on the Web, enabling the next malicious hacker to victimize an unsecured browser.
The security-compromising problem stems from erroneous JavaScript processing. The vulnerability allows a gateway for hackers to execute exploit codes on unprotected systems. Thus, the JavaScript error is a reputation-jarring event for the otherwise steady Firefox.
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Popularity: 2% [?]
Jul 08, 2009 by admin
Adding Multiprocess Browsing Capability to Next Version of Browser

Although it just came out with a new version last week, Mozilla already has plans to pump up its popular browser, Firefox by developing a new feature—multiple process browsing capability. The project, dubbed “Electrolysis,” will improve Firefox’s speed and stability, along with other ancillary advantages.
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Popularity: 2% [?]
Jun 25, 2009 by admin
Google have produced a whole range of amazing tools for various uses in business and for personal use. In fact, their tools excel in diversity due to the number of applicable uses covered. For programmers whom struggle with cutting development time when coding in AJAX, Google offers a free tool that solves this problem.
The tool is a called Google Web Toolkit. It’s built on an open source framework which is the leading development choice nowadays for programmer tools. Open source invites coders to wield their digital magic and write extras to enhance tools.
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Popularity: 4% [?]
Jun 04, 2009 by Derald
A little while back we covered some professional Wordpress looking themes. Here are five Wordpress themes that are based on newspapers or magazine layouts.
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Popularity: 6% [?]
May 07, 2009 by admin
Using buttons that allow users to click through to another web page has been the norm since day one of the web. Designers are always looking for better ways to show the various types of menu navigation on web pages and CSS provides unlimited potential.
The navigation of your site is the most important part of the content architecture stage. Writing accessible pages with a menu system that is easy to use is crucial to retaining visitors. So, what is the best method for the menu links – graphics or just text buttons? I can tell you now that plain text is always the best way and using CSS to craft the buttons means you are not stuck with a dull and boring layout.
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Popularity: 9% [?]
Apr 30, 2009 by admin
It was no surprise that the new version was greeted with much aplomb and also a heavy degree of skepticism. I am referring to Microsoft’s latest IE upgrade and new browser – Internet Explorer 8. The update has been downloaded by web users whom prefer to use IE. Firefox users are just plain anti-Bill Gates, being official Mozilla users and need much more convincing. Safari is a very non-competitive choice against these browsers; Opera and Chrome seem to be following IE closely.
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Popularity: 8% [?]
Apr 28, 2009 by Derald
When you ask someone about Web 2.0, you may get the response that it is just an idea. Some people will tell you that it is the use of AJAX. Well here are eight useful AJAX scripts, which enhance your site with a Web 2.0 feel.
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Popularity: 10% [?]
Apr 07, 2009 by Derald
Wordpress has evolved from it’s roots as just a blogging software to more of a CMS role. Along with this transition it has started to show up as one of the more popular CMS used to run professional sites. One of the reasons why is because how robust the software is and how easy it can be to design a professional looking site with very little time. Here are eight professional Wordpress themes, and the great thing is that they are all free.
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Popularity: 11% [?]