Add Design News to acomment


Feb 14, 2009 by Mohsen

Now you can add your recent design related posts, news, and web resources to acomment. To submit, simply go to this page (from top menu) and fill the form. Just consider the following rules before submitting your news.

Links must be to original posts or pages
Links must be about web design, programming, tech related news, downloads, [...]

Popularity: 1% [?]

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acomment on twitter!


Oct 31, 2008 by Mohsen

About a minute ago, I created a twitter account for acomment. Now if you use Twitter, you can follow me here (twitter/acomment) to get updates about acomment. Also, from now on, I will be posting side blog posts there instead of its current location.
Popularity: 5% [?]

Popularity: 5% [?]

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1000 Free Business Cards for acomment’s readers


Sep 18, 2008 by Mohsen

Whether you’re a web designer or developer or just you offer some services, a good printed business card can really help you promote your design, coding or your other services.A few days ago, I received 1000 free business cards from UPrinting Company and I’m going to give away 250 cards to 4 lucky acomment’s readers.
Printing [...]

Popularity: 7% [?]

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aComment redesigned


Aug 16, 2008 by Mohsen

Yep, finally the new theme became ready.  The previous theme didn’t look professional enough and I hadn’t spent much time on developing it. But this one is more professional and it took me about 2 weeks. I really love this theme but  don’t know whether you love it or not! You are more important than [...]

Popularity: 5% [?]

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Hello World!


Jul 10, 2008 by Mohsen

Hello, This is the first post in aComment. aComment is a blog that tries to publish web design and development resources, articles, tutorials and so on. In fact,  everything that related to webmasters(maybe not related!). So, Please don’t forget to subscribe to our RSS feeds.
Popularity: 3% [?]

Popularity: 3% [?]

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