PHP Tutorials Utopia: 13 Vital PHP skills for every novice PHP developer and solutions

Oct 29, 2008 by Mohsen

Today, I’m going to write about PHP, The most popular server-side scripting language. There are lots of articles & tutorials online that help novice PHP developers to learn PHP step by step. In this post I’ve listed some of the best PHP tutorials, articles & resources in some of the most important PHP skills. After reading the following tutorials and learning them (of course not all of them), you are free to name yourself a semi-professional PHP developer!

PHP Basics

Before getting started to improve your PHP skills, Just wait a moment and take a look to the two resources below to check whether you know the PHP basics or not.

1- Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP

OOP or Object oriented programming is one of the most intimidating aspects of programming in general and it’s not dedicated to PHP only. If you want to become a serious PHP developer, and you’re not going to make a simple contact form using PHP as your final goal!, You will definitely need to learn OOP in PHP. Here I’ve put together some of my favorite articles, tutorials and resources on OOP for you.

2- PHP Template Engines

If you’re working on a big web project, using a template engine can really help you save a lot of time for maintaining the site in future. Using a template engine allows you to separate the presentation from the content and have a better control over you project. There’re more articles/resources regarding PHP Templating, but you can check some of the best ones below.

3- Sending & Managing PHP Emails

Making a website isn’t just creating static or dynamic pages for browsers. Some web projects need to communicate with the audiences using email. Email is used for various tasks within a web application including newsletters, confirmations, and …

4- Learn How To Use PHP Frameworks

Some developers like using frameworks and some doesn’t. I think using or not using frameworks completely depends on projects and we cannot say yes or no to frameworks without considering our current project details. Check out the articles below to learn more about available PHP frameworks.

5- PayPal Integration & Payment Processing

Nowadays, selling products from digitals to physicals is very commonplace. So if you don’t know how to handle payment using PHP yet, here is your chance to learn.

6- Databases: PHP& MySQL Tutorials

Almost every PHP project has some relations to databases. Learning how to use databases is the first skill you should learn when you’re going to build a dynamic web application. MySQL is the commonest one that is very easy to use in PHP.

7- Learning Regular Expression

Regular expressions are supremely useful in advanced programming. Here I’ve have put together some of the best online tutorials and resources to learn Regular Expressions in PHP

8- Working with Images in PHP

PHP has great capabilities you can use them to manipulate images dynamically such as adding watermarks, resizing and making thumbnails and building visual graphs and more. PHP covers all of them and more completely.

  • Introduction to PHP Image Functions - “An excellent overview of PHP image functions, including source code and interactive online examples.”
  • Image Manipulation with PHP - The GD Libraries - “The GD libraries are the principle PHP module used for image manipulation, and are available from Boutel.Com, Inc
  • PHP Image manipulation with GD2 -”In this tutorial, I’ll take you through some of the more common uses for PHP when manipulating images, and then introduce you to some of the cooler aspects of this powerful little tool, which could help you to really add a bit of jazz and sparkle to your website!”
  • Create Dynamic Images with ImageMagick - Learn how to use ImageMagick to create dynamic images
  • Watermark Images on the Fly in PHP - Learn how to watermark you images dynamically using PHP
  • Simplified Image Resizing with PHP
  • Storing Images In MySQL - “Learn how to store images in MySQL database using PHP”
  • Visual and Audio PHP CAPTCHA Generation Class - “PhpCaptcha is a library for generating visual and audio CAPTCHAs (completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart).”
  • PHP captcha - “Securimage is an open-source free PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes to protect forms from spam and abuse. It can be easily …”

9- PHP & Security

By increasing number of attack to web sites everyday, the security becomes more and more important. So you should put it at the top of your list of concerns as you develope a web application.

10- PHP & XML & Web Services

Here you can find some useful articles and tutorials on dealing with XML and web services in PHP.

11- PHP Best Practices & tips

Since PHP lets developers use many ways to complete the same task, each novice developer may use his/her own nonstandard method to the task and it may make the application code unmaintainable. So using standards and best practices is vital for making PHP applications. In this part, I will show you some articles regarding PHP best practices and tips.

12- Authentication & Access Control

One of the benefits of building web sites using a server side programming language like PHP, is building dynamic pages rather than static web pages. Using PHP you can build authentication systems and access controls for your site to limit some particular contents for some particular visitors. How to use sessions or http, how to build a registration system and how to deal with registered members are the goals of this section of my post.

13- Caching in PHP

Yes, some old days ago when the number of online users wasn’t so big and most web sites were a few HTML pages, servers were very relaxing because all they did was fetching some files and delivering them to browsers. the browsers cached physical pages locally. But dynamic web pages have made some problems for servers. Dynamic pages need some processes must be completed such as interpreting PHP scripts by PHP engine that introduces a delay depending on complexity of scripts. This makes some problems when a user request a dynamic page. And also since the pages’ content is changing dynamically the browser cannot get notified about last modification of a particular page by servers.
If you have a fast growing PHP powered web site, you may find yourself into some performance troubles if you don’t consider the manual caching. Here you can see some solutions.

Yep, finally this long post finished! have a great programming and don’t forget to !

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User Comments

  • João Oliveira says:

    Awesome article!

  • Vincent Dapp says:

    Nice! Thanks

  • Shane says:

    I rarely comment on any site, but I thought I should say that this is a great article. Thanks!

  • Joey says:

    An excellent collection of articles for novice developers. Nice job putting this together.

  • Fabryz says:

    Nice list, thanks for sharing :)

  • msath says:

    wow…wonderful collection…..

  • This article is really awesome, thanks

  • Wouter Van den Neste says:

    Seems to be a real nice article :)
    Bookmarking it for reading after work

  • php developer says:

    Great list of links!

  • AtaraxisLD says:

    great list!!!! I should translate this into Romanian. can I get your approval?

  • Mohsen says:

    : sure, feel free to translate it :)

  • Afruj says:

    Very helpful tutorials for any PHP developers. Thanks for this article!

  • Nice post ;)

  • Michael says:

    Nice list! This kind of gives me a checklist to work off of. Thanks for taking the time to put it together.

  • ChaosKaizer says:

    Thanks, the title is misleading, there is more than 13 list and some of the articles is not for novice to begin with.

  • Arun Raj R says:

    very help ful article

    Arun Raj R

  • Mohsen says:

    @ ChaosKaizer : Thanks for your comment, The number 1 is about basics and I didn’t count it as a skill. Anyway I will change the numbers.
    and regarding the topics, a novice should study professional skills of PHP to master PHP.
    thanks again.

  • Antonio Garcia says:

    You can not forget this website
    PHP, OOP PHP5, Databases, XML, Files, Networking,Security,Networking, Multimedia(GD,PDF,Flash),….

  • Ben says:

    This list is ULTIMATE!

  • weblizzer says:

    great collection of php, this is really helpful to me.. thank you so much for this list

  • alex says:

    great list of info there!! kudos

  • Here is some excellent issue pointed for php coders.

  • Faraz Butt says:

    I found this article very helpful. Thanks for the list.


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