Utilizing CSS Best Practices: Making a Great Blank CSS Template File for Next Projects


Dec 02, 2008 by Mohsen

If you’ve bookmarked a lot about CSS best practices and haven’t started utilizing them, this post will help you to make a better and more organized CSS file using some of CSS best practices. Here I’m making a basic CSS template file for my next projects. Using a standard reset method, defining some basic and [...]

Popularity: 9% [?]

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9 Top CSS Essential Skills That Every Web designer Should Learn


Aug 21, 2008 by Mohsen

This post is dedicated to elementary & intermediate CSS learners. If you’re going to learn CSS from scratch, you’ve probably seen a lot of techniques, tricks & tutorials so far. In this post I’ve written my own approach to the most essential CSS skills that every web designer should learn. I really love the articles [...]

Popularity: 100% [?]

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Creating CSS Layouts: The Best Tutorials on Converting PSD to XHTML


Jul 21, 2008 by Mohsen

First of all, I should thank delicious, StumbleUpon, Dzone, Design float and other major social bookmarking websites’ users for featuring my previous posts. I received a lot of traffic after a few days after starting this blog.
In this post, I’m going to show you the most practical tutorials on coding a template using CSS and [...]

Popularity: 29% [?]

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