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To Upgrade to Internet Explorer 8 or Not To Upgrade – That Is the Question


Apr 30, 2009 by admin

It was no surprise that the new version was greeted with much aplomb and also a heavy degree of skepticism. I am referring to Microsoft’s latest IE upgrade and new browser – Internet Explorer 8. The update has been downloaded by web users whom prefer to use IE. Firefox users are just plain anti-Bill Gates, [...]

Popularity: 8% [?]

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Laptopical: The Best Laptops Reviewed


Sep 30, 2008 by admin

If you’re going to purchase a new laptop, or looking to find news, reviews and opinions on notebook computers, I strongly suggest visiting our friends at They aim to be your first stop for news and reviews about mobile technology, with primary focus on laptop computers. So don’t forget to take a look to [...]

Popularity: 5% [?]

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