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Getting Better Exposure from Mainstream Advertising Venues

Jul 16, 2009 by admin

Chances are, you put much of your advertising revenue toward the big boys: Google, Yahoo, AOL, Microsoft, etc. Big boys are great, but some companies are rethinking their advertising investment. With a recession comes the opportunity to scale back, ramp up, or both—all in different ways. Advertising must be done strategically, and that doesn’t mean just utilizing major search engines.

For one, the broad range of major search engines doesn’t hit the target audience you may need to reach with your advertising. Besides, the focus of these companies isn’t advertising, per se. Diversifying your advertising could be just the edge you need to pack more punch with every dollar you spend.

Here are some ideal resources for expanding your advertising network beyond the customary.

It’s free to list, and it’s got powerful statistics to back its success. Superpages, part of Idearc Media, has an impressive reach. Though Idearc isn’t the powerful player it once was, Superpages still has a grip. They claim that “83% of our visitors contact businesses they’ve found on”

This is the kind of firm that services niche firms. Since blogging is the premier money-making venture, blogads finds the best way to “make a splash on premier blogs.” Blogads boasts the clientele of the likes of Perez Hilton, Outside the Beltway, and Daily Kos, among others.

Video advertising is the fastest-growing and one of the most-effective forms of advertising., with one billion plus video ads to their name, is a smart option for launching this form of advertising, if it fits your budget and product.

With the rampant spread of mobile devices, a niche mobile advertising company is a strategic way to funnel your advertising budget. iPhones (44% of AdMob’s revenue), Blackberries, Palm Pres, and a host of other mobile options are no longer optional accoutrements for the executive. They are essentials for any worker in any industry. Admob services that specific niche.

Pheedo is a company that maximizes the power of RSS feeds for advertising. Since it is the company that pioneered web feed advertising, this is a good firm not only for high-level advertising, but effective management as well.

Value Click Media is a good option for an aggregate advertiser. They specialize in display advertising, behavioral targeting, video advertising, and lead generation. For a fairly simple one-stop solution to a variety of advertising needs, Value Click Media provides a comprehensive solution.

While not exhaustive, these advertising agencies and forums will at least give you a suggestion of where to start when considering alternate advertising sources.

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