Creating CSS Layouts: The Best Tutorials on Converting PSD to XHTML
Jul 21, 2008 by Mohsen
First of all, I should thank delicious, StumbleUpon, Dzone, Design float and other major social bookmarking websites’ users for featuring my previous posts. I received a lot of traffic after a few days after starting this blog.
In this post, I’m going to show you the most practical tutorials on coding a template using CSS and XHTML. Making a template has two steps. The first step is Designing the template components and the second step is Coding them into a valid XHTML page.
For learning designing a template from scratch in Photoshop, I suggest checking this post by dzineblog. But how to convert the designed PSD file to an XHTML document is the reason I wrote this post.
The best Tutorials on Converting PSD to XHTML
1- CSS Template Tutorials - Setting Up - This is the part one of the complete tutorials. These series of tutorials will teach you how to design a template in Photoshop, slice it and convert it to a CSS layout.
Other Parts:
1-1- Step 2- Coding the basics
1-2- Step 3- Slicing and Coding the Header
1-3- Step 4- CSS Horizontal Navigation
1-4- Step 5- Floating the columns
1-5- Step 6- Coding the content
1-6- Step 7- Right Column Navigation
1-7- Step 8- Finishing Off
2- From PSD to CSS/HTML in Easy Steps - Part 1 - a 4 part series tutorial on how to take a PSD file and convert it into a fully CSS based html file. The part 2 is available at the moment.
2-1- From PSD to CSS/HTML in Easy Steps - Part 2
2-2- From PSD to CSS/HTML in Easy Steps - Part 3 [NEW!]
3- Site in an hour - Making Simple Work of Complex CSS Layouts: In this tutorial, you will be creating:
- A flexible layout, one which is happy to contort to the requirements of its contents and surroundings
- Decent browser support (…or support for decent browsers, at least!)
- Graceful degradation in legacy browsers
- Something that will make the bosses and marketing types happy while still allowing even access to all customers — current and potential
4- Slice and code a layout tutorial - “In this css / xhtml tutorial I’ll show you how to slice a design in Photoshop, and how to code it from scratch in CSS and xHTML.”
5- Advanced CSS Layouts: Step by Step - a step by step tutorial on Creating
a 3 column CSS layout.
6- Slice a Template and Code it Using CSS - A very well written tutorial on slicing a PSD file and converting it into a CSS layout
7- Converting Photoshop Web Template File To HTML/XHTML/CSS Web Page File Video Tutorial
“In these videos tutorial, you will learn how to convert photoshop web template file in .PSD to HTML file and Css file”
8- CSS Template Layout - part 1 of 3 - A three-part article on creating a pure CSS web page
8-1- CSS Template Layout - part 2 of 3
8-2- CSS Template Layout - part 3 of 3
9- Designing a CSS based template
“This is the start of a step-by-step based tutorial about how to create a CSS based template page. This will be a tutorial consisting of several parts: part 1 covers the creation of the navigation buttons in Photoshop CS*, the 2nd part will be the creation of the background, next on the list is the header and layout of the page and finally the implementation in CSS and XHTML.”
9-1- Designing a CSS based template - part II
9-2- Designing a CSS based template - part III
10- Creating CSS Layouts In Dreamweaver, Part 1 - 3-part video series tutorial
10-1- Creating CSS Layouts In Dreamweaver, Part 2
10-3- Creating CSS Layouts In Dreamweaver, Part 3
11- From PSD to HTML, Building a Set of Website Designs Step by Step
“Today I’m going to take you through my entire process of getting from Photoshop to completed HTML. We’re going to build out a set of 4 PSD mockups of a website that eventually will become a WordPress theme. It’s a massive tutorial, so if you’re going to follow through to the end, make sure you have a few hours to spare!”
12- Creating a CSS layout from scratch - This guide will attempt to take you step by step, through the process of creating a fully functioning CSS layout
13- Coding Your 1st PSD Tutorial - Learn how to code a car sales web layout into a working website
14- Breaking Out of the Box With CSS Layouts - A grate article by sitepoint on creating beautiful grid based CSS layouts
15- Page Layout from HtmlDog - a beginner guide to float and absolute positioning CSS Layouts
16- 3 Column All CSS Layout With Fluid Center and Two Columns - This tutorial teaches you how to create a 3 column layout with a fluid center and two fixed width sidebars.
17- Liquid CSS Layouts - Design Alternative to Table Based Websites - How to transform fixed table layouts to liquid CSS based layouts
18- Rock-solid CSS Layouts - This chapter is excerpted from SitePoint’s HTML Utopia: Designing Without Tables Using CSS, Second Edition, which provides a complete introduction to CSS and shows you how to build rock-solid CSS-based web sites from scratch
19- Building a page template in CSS - A quick step-by-step demonstration of how the Web Essentials template was built using CSS
20- Two column layout using CSS and divider image - This tutorial explains how to design two column CSS layout with a line dividing left column from the right going through the whole length of the page, regardless of the length of the columns. See it in action: Demo
Popularity: 30% [?]
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