Eight Free Professional Wordpress Themes
Apr 07, 2009 by Derald
Wordpress has evolved from it’s roots as just a blogging software to more of a CMS role. Along with this transition it has started to show up as one of the more popular CMS used to run professional sites. One of the reasons why is because how robust the software is and how easy it can be to design a professional looking site with very little time. Here are eight professional Wordpress themes, and the great thing is that they are all free.
This theme provides a rich blue background, and orange highlights. The best thing this theme has going for it is it’s ultra clean layout.
Deep Blue Wordpress Theme
Dots is a theme that most people would not consider professional due to its dark colors, but that is what makes this theme so great. Other than the yellow for contrast this theme is made of black or shades of gray. It would be very easy to make your point stand out with Dots.
Trendy Orange
A simple but bold theme, with a very refreshing choice of colors. The orange and light blues compliment each other very well. The designer even went ahead and put space in the design for ads if needed.
Business Blog
Business Blog has just enough flair to be considered a Web 2.0 theme, but simple enough to be professional. A perfect balance of simple with Web 2.0 style.
Team has a very user friendly interface. Instead of having most of the menu items to the right of the page like most Wordpress themes, the menu is to the left giving an extra boost to a professional theme.
Meeting cleans up a lot of the issues that most Wordpress blogs have, and that would be the clutter between articles. To add to the clean look Meeting also adds rounded corners to most of the images it uses.
Medicals is another theme with the menus on the left instead of the right. It is a very clean theme with light colors.
Blogging Pro
This is one theme that is really designed for ad placements, and still not look cluttered. Also, the monochrome blue and white theme is very eye catching.
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