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How To Create An Article Directory using PHP

Aug 04, 2009 by admin

So, you want to create an article directory? At first thought, you may think this is a daunting task laden with complex code and a budget that needs a fat bank account. No, actually, if you want a directory as opposed to a Wordpress blog, one like EzineArticles or GoArticles, there is a free script available written in PHP that can be set up by anyone called ArticleMS.

Firstly, there is no need to worry if PHP is not your strong point; the simple installation takes just a few minutes then you can set up your first pages. PHP editing is minimal for those whom want to add new variables to the pages, and no PHP editing is required if the standard installation is ok – and this suits most projects.

Useful applications of the script lend themselves to those whom want content driven directories attached to professional web sites. Content is king on the web and article directories allow you to establish yourself as an expert in your niche by displaying content that attracts and retains visitors.

ArticleMS at is a content system that allows you to create this type of site easily. You can set up users manually or allow visitors to register an account and submit content. There is complete control on permissions. You can:

  • Approve or decline new registrations

  • Approve or decline articles submitted if not of sufficient quality

  • Set permissions that enable or disable a user’s ability to access articles

This works a treat as you get to control the submission process rather like EzineArticles. You can set user accounts to be requiring manual enablement so that you can check their work to see if that user is of an ethical nature. This is really important on the web where plagiarism finds its way into so much content.

You can set up the script to be tested in a test environment like a separate machine (many do this first) or operate in the live environment. Settings can be edited in the CMS without touching the PHP. One of its functions is to disable the site if needed, so you can edit live, and turn the site off until the live date. If you choose this method, it’s a good idea not to optimize the site too much. Where SEO is concerned, the CMS allows you to add keywords.

ArticleMS allows you to design a web site content publishing service that is fully customizable, you can:

  • Edit the default template using HTML

  • Add your own templates

  • Update the content using a WYSIWYG editor without any HTML coding

  • Send out emails to users using templates such as welcome emails, why an article was declined, etc

  • Allow other users to edit your site

  • Prevent directory submitters from submitting content with the use of a manual CAPTCHA image verification box.

ArticleMS is great for building a directory of content in a multi-user environment aimed at your niche areas. It allows a collaborative environment to become involved in the content development process.

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