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Stephen Davies

Wordpress Plugins For SEO Optimization Of Blog Sites

Aug 21, 2009 by Stephen Davies

Since SEO became a core element of any web site campaign, and bloggers started to crop up from all over the world, tools to help content providers have just kept coming. When it comes to social networking, nothing maintains a blog with quality content more than discussions on a variety of niche topics. Wordpress is still the top choice for blogs.

I have recently been evaluating the latest SEO plug-ins for sites and I believe this is a list of plug-ins that should be added. Why? They have already helped blogs to rank higher on the search engines.

There are probably more plug-ins available for Wordpress though this latest list is an effective move forward for your blogs. If Wordpress blogs are your forte then this nice collection from their site will help you achieve top SERP (Search Engine Report Page) listings.

  1. All in One SEO Pack

Optimizing your blog so that it appears high in the SERP lists is what it’s all about when you are marketing information on the web. The features of this plug-in more than encompass all the SEO features needed. It’s a quick and easy solution allowing you to create Meta tags, unique titles and keywords. It also optimizes your page titles – the prominent important part of a SERP listing.

  1. Google XML Sitemaps

This helps you to create sitemaps that can instruct Google on which pages to crawl and which ones to avoid. This provides you with the crawl progress actions that you also get from Google webmaster tools.

  1. Google Analytics for WordPress

Along with the above tools, this is like having Google’s webmaster tools wizardry plugged into your Wordpress blogs functioning on auto-pilot once set up. This adds your tracing code to your blog sites. It’s easy to install. You simply enter the account code into your Google Analytics section and the code is then placed on each page attached to your blog. This is great as you now have analytics covering the whole site and all you did was insert code – it took me a few seconds.

  1. Broken Link Checker

This is a very useful addition like a real SEO handyman. This checks for broken links in your pages and provides a full report. It monitors the internal links and sends a report of any broken ones to your admin dashboard.

If you run into any trouble with the above plug-ins, post here and I will help. I did run into one problem with the Google Analytics plug-in but it turned out it was my folly and was simple to fix. If you need SEO plugged into your blogs, use this list of plug-ins.

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About The Author

Stephen Davies MSc is a content writer/copywriter and director of, which offers SEO writing and marketing services to the SMB market.

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